Website Manager

New Egypt Warriors


Upcoming Meetings

Board meetings are held at the Plumsted Township Municipal Building

Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 8:00 pm 

2nd Tuesdays are CLOSED meetings
4th Tuesdays are OPEN meetings

Board Members

League President -Jenn Booth
 League Vice President - Larry Jones
League Secretary/Treasurer - Samantha McCredie
Football Commissioner - Matt Sams 
Assistant Football Commissioner - Matt Gatto
Football Equipment Manager - Pat Snyder
Cheer Commissioner  - Steph Ervin
Assistant Cheer Commissioner - Samantha Southard
Cheer Equipment Manager - Carissa Mecionis
Social Media/Registration/ Web Site Manager - Josh Harry
Field Maintenance - Matt Sams



New Egypt Youth Football & Cheer

Article I Mission Statement 
Article II Board of Directors      
Article III   Nomination and Elections Procedures                                                           
Article IV   Removal of an Officer      
Article VI Executive Board of Directors Privileges                                                           
Article VII Meetings and Quorums                                                                                   
Article VIII Financial and Accounting
Refunds/Withdrawals/Insufficient Funds & Fees                                                             
Article X Committee Appointments
Internet/social media Policy

Board of Directors

Article I Mission Statement
The objective of the New Egypt Youth Football and Cheer (NEYFC) League is to familiarize young participants with the fundamentals of football and cheer.  To provide participants with the opportunity to play in an organized and supervised environment and to teach them that academics and athletics should be joint communal efforts.
To achieve this NEYFC will provide a supervised program under the Rules and Regulations incorporated herein and referenced in any addendum to the document. All Board of Directors (herein known as BOD) and members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or winning of games and competition is secondary and molding of future citizens is of prime importance.
Article II Board of Directors
The Executive Board of NEYFC will consist of the following Officers
*All executive members serve terms as listed below:

Article III   Elections Procedures
● Any new member must be in good standing with the organization and be a minimum of 18 years of age at the time appointment.
● All said nominations will be contacted by the NEYFC Secretary to accept or decline a position at the time of nomination.  If the Secretary is running for a position, then it will be the duty of the NEYFC President, Football Commissioner or Cheer Commissioner depending on who is not running.
● Elections of said nominees will be appointed by current board members.
● NEYFC should make every attempt to have Township Recreation board members present during any directors voting sessions. 
Article IV   Removal of an Officer
An elected officer can be removed from their position at any time for but not inclusive of:
Misappropriation of league funds for any reason.
His/her health prohibits completion of their term.
Negligence or non- fulfillment of members Code of Conduct or delinquency of assigned duties as listed in Duties of League officers.
Endangering the health of a child in his/her care.
Missing 25% of scheduled board meetings, *approval needed by the league President
Conduct that would discredit the league

● Officers in question shall be given the opportunity to present their case. A motion for removal of an officer must come from a board member. Removal of an officer would require 2/3 vote from present board members. Existing board members will temporarily fill all vacancies. 
Article V Duties of League Officers –BOD-by Title:
1. Preside at and Run meetings for NEYFC
2. Handle all communication (email, website) for Football and Cheer to parents, coaches and board members for all league activities unless delegated to relevant Commissioners.
3. Personally hold or nominate an NEYFC BOD to hold a position on the Plumsted Township Recreation Committee and attend all meetings of the PTRC representing NEYFC. Representative shall be the liaison between NEYFC and the Recreation Committee for supported conflict resolution
4. Make sure that all insurances, forms, and paperwork are sent in by Secretary/Treasurer for any league involvement 
5. Review budgets from both Football and Dance/Cheer Commissioners so that the board can vote and approve, deny or change budgets for the season.  All budgets should be in place according to the Township due date. 
6. Provide proposed budgets to the Plumsted Twp. Recreation Department 
7. The league President holds No voting privileges unless there is a tie
8. Must attend game day start to finish
9. Oversee Flag Football program to ensure it runs smoothly
10. Resolve any conflicts against the league
1. Acts as an aide to the President.
2. Presides over meetings in the absence of the President.
3. Attend Township meetings or league meetings when the President is unavailable.
4. Must attend all game days from start to finish.
5. Performs any other specific duties that may be provided for in the bylaws.
6. Assumes responsibility for the administrative details delegated to him/her by the President.
7. Assumes the duty of the President in case of his/her resignation until the position is filled in accordance with the bylaws. In the order of 1st Vice President then 2nd Vice President.
8. Assists in the liaison duties between committees and the Board of Directors.
9. Assists other officers in carrying out their duties when asked to do so.
10. Signs all approval in the extended absence of the President.
11. Act as Safety Director of all safety issues or concerns for NEYFC
12. Solicit support of our safety program as needed
13. Support the associations budgeting process
14. Provide regular status reports to the board.
1. Preside at all meetings WJYFL and NEYFC and perform all duties usually pertaining to his or her office.
2. Conduct the affairs of NEYFC and execute the policies established by NEYFC BOD.
3. Communicate and make recommendations that promote the welfare of NEYFC.
4. Investigate complaints, irregularities, and conditions detrimental to NEYFC.  Report all concerns to the BOD as circumstances warrant.
5. Receive weekly reports of game scores and forward copies to the football presidents.
6. Represent each level of play for all football teams within their respective level.
7. Provide football coaches with information to effectively organize and manage their teams for practices and games for the well-being of the children. 
8. Represent NEYFC at all home games and away games when possible and make sure that all members are following the codes of conduct. 
9. Confirm all players are paid for and all paperwork is handed in prior to their first practice
10. Maintain files of rosters with updated add-ins or drop-outs as provided by coaches.
11. Appoint and approve all coaches along with the President and oversee coaching certification along with background checks with a maximum of 5 coaches per level
12. Approval of location and practice schedule along with cancellation due to safety concerns. 
13. Responsible for making sure the field is ready for use.
14. Must attend game day start to finish

1. Responsible for issues or problems that arise at the team level.  Concerns should be immediately brought to the BOD should no easy resolution be possible.
2. Preside at all NEYFC league meetings.
3. Remain the liaison between the football coaches, the participants, and the BOD.
4. Confirm all players are paid for and all paperwork is handed in prior to their first practice
5. Schedule Porta-Potty for the practice field at the beginning of the regular practice/playing season August 1st..
6. Report to commissioners any coach in violation of play rules set forth by WJYFL  
7. Must attend game day start to finish

1. Preside at all meetings of NEYFC and perform all duties pertaining to his or her office.
2. Attend or nominate to attend all meetings of the Plumsted Township Recreation committee to represent NEYFC.  Remain the liaison between the Cheer leagues and the township committee.
3. Attend all regular scheduled meetings.  The Cheer Commissioner shall remain the liaison between the Cheer leagues and NEYFC.
4. Remain responsible for counseling NEYFC on rules and regulations, directing successful registrations, coach’s clinics, competitions and NEYFC operations.
5. Provide Cheer coaches with information about effectively organizing and managing their squads to competitions.
6. Responsible for completing the NEYFC Forms.
7. Confirm all players are paid for and all paperwork is handed in prior to their first practice
8. Maintain files of rosters with updated add-ins or drop-outs as provided by coaches.
9. Confirm and appoint all coaches for all levels. 
10. Final determination made for all competition decisions.
11. Set up and confirm practice location and times
12. Must attend game day start to finish

1. Report to the BOD if a concern cannot easily be resolved. 
2. Preside at all league meetings. 
3. Remain the liaison between Cheer coaches, participants, and the BOD.
4. In the event the Cheer Commissioner cannot continue to perform the position duties the Cheer President will be authorized to act as the Commissioner until the seat can be appointed for the next election.
5. Review any coaches concerns of violation of NEYFC playing rules. Investigate and file complaints from the coaches to the BOD.
6. Confirm all players are paid for and all paperwork is handed in prior to their first practice
7. Must attend game day start to finish
1. Preside at all NEYFC meetings.
2. Remain responsible for all owned equipment of NEYFC.
3. Set-up dates and times to distribute and document all equipment and uniforms loaned to participants and coaches at the beginning of the season. *No equipment is to be handed out without the participant’s Equipment Bond check in hand.
4. Set-up and collect all loaned equipment at the conclusion of the season.
5. Inventory all equipment and uniforms at the conclusion of each season.
6. Advise the NEYFC Football/Cheer Commissioners as well as the League Treasurer and President whose Equipment Bond checks should be cashed
7. Remain responsible for equipment/uniform report and the estimated equipment costs for the upcoming season. 
8. All bond checks turned into Treasurer
9. Must attend game day start to finish
1. Preside at all NEYFC meetings.
2. Record and maintain the minutes of all the proceedings. Provide copies of the minutes to all requesting BOD.  All meeting minutes must be BOD approved in content. 
3. Give notice of all upcoming meetings to BOD.
4. Remain responsible to obtain and file copies of all current season licenses (Township, League, State of NJ Non-Profit)
5. Complete and ensure NEYFC has adequate insurance coverage required to participate in the WJYFL and prepare applications to bind for the current season. 
6. Remain responsible for handling medical and liability claims paperwork for NEYFC.
7. Prepare Contracts with parks, recreation areas, schools, and other facilities for use of NEYFC practice facilities. 
8. Remain responsible for NEYFC mailbox deliveries and distribute as needed.
9. Notification of all election nominations, and commitments.  Notification of BOD seat attainment. 
10. Maintain upcoming meeting agenda as well as open/ongoing issues. 
11. All payment agreements will be in writing signed off on by the Cheer/Football Commissioners as well as the President. Copies to be provided to the Treasurer.
12. Must attend game day start to finish
13. Keep detailed records for incoming and outgoing League funds. 
14. Maintain receipts. 
15. Issue reimbursement payments upon approval from President and Commissioners for equipment purchases, participant reimbursement/credit and payouts to vendors.
16. Maintain BOD approval for all reductions to league funds.
17. Prepare monthly reports as well as the annual report of all fund’s transactions. 
18. Direct and conduct accurate, State or Federal laws of compliance with handling league funds

 Article VI Meetings and Quorums
1. During football and cheer season NEYFC Board will have two meetings per month, they will be held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 8:30 PM at the Township Hall depending on, on and off season. The second Tuesday of the month will be an open session. The fourth Tuesday will be a closed session, with only board members in attendance. Agendas for all meetings are set forth prior to meetings and any item recommended by any board member might be place on either open or closed meeting agenda. 
2. Emergency and closed-door BOD meeting may be scheduled as needed.
3. Meetings order of business:
1. Meeting called to order
2. Attendance
3. Reading, approval of previous meeting minutes
4. Member reports
5. Football Commissioner 
6. Cheer Commissioner 
7. Fundraising
8. Secretary
9. Rec. Meeting Update
10. Flag
11. Equipment Report
12. Treasurer Report
13. Old business (shown on agenda)
14. New business/Open Floor (shown on agenda)
15. Announcements
16. Adjournment

4. A quorum will exist when there is one more than one half of the BOD present for the meeting.  
 Article VIII - Financial and Accounting
1. League funds will be used solely for the benefit of the NEYFC program as per the 501-c status.  Upon dissolution of the program any remaining funds will be used to benefit the youth community through recreation programs.
2. Board Members of NEYFC will have a limited expenditure of $250.00 between regular scheduled meetings for emergency purchases.  All normal expenditures must be BOD approved.
3. Three written estimates for similar/like services shall be required for all expenditures more than $250.00. (This excludes an emergency purchase that requires a commissioner or Presidential approval and kitchen stock requirements) 
4. No checks/purchases are to be made/issued unless requested by President /Commissioners and approved by BOD.
5. Registration fees cover; insurance, end of season parties, equipment, uniforms, anything needed to run the league throughout the year, playoffs (for details of playoffs ask Commissioners).
6. Football / Cheer Team Gifts; $30pp, $40pp if made post season play/competitions, $50pp if declared champions. Award ceremonies/banquets and end of year gifts will be at the discretion of the Commissioners. Location date and time must go through the respected commissioner and conflict with another team's time. Award banquet/Ceremonies to be held to a high regard.  Any purchases made for the league must be approved by the President and turned into the Treasurer along with the receipt and the refund form filled in completely.
7. Team banquets - Each team is allotted $22 per athlete. 
Refunds/Withdrawals/Insufficient Funds & Fees
We recognize that some participants may have to withdraw from New Egypt Football & Cheer for various personal reasons.  No refunds will be issued under any circumstance before the first game. Please allow 3-4 weeks for your refund and any deposited checks to be processed and returned to you by mail. 
Coaches are not allowed to handle money, sell items or services of kind kind at any time to any player. No solicitation of personal business 
Article IX General
The rules and regulations as set forth in the NEYFC Football Code of Conduct, NEYFC Cheer Code of Conduct, NEYFC Parents Code of Conduct and the NEYFC Grievance Policy shall be upheld by NEYFC BOD. 

Internet/social media Policy

No Parent, Coach, Child, or Board Member of NEYFC, shall post ANY derogatory, negative, or harmful content anywhere on social media, email or any other internet outlet.  There shall be no posting of child information, or comments made about a team, child or coach on the internet or a public email.  Any action that breaks this internet policy will be considered an act of breaking the code of conduct and will be given swift and immediate attention.  Such actions can result in probation, suspension, or complete expulsion from the league.  

BOD Chain of Command:
Vice President
Football Commissioner                                       
Cheer Commissioner                                             
Treasurer, Finance Manager & Secretary           
For Football Contact: Matt Sams                                                                           
For Cheer Contact: Steph Ervin
Football Commissioner: Matt Sams
Cheer Commissioner:  Steph Ervin
Adopted___________________________________/ ____________________________________ 
President Signature        Print Name
Adopted___________________________________/ ____________________________________           
Football Commissioner Signature                                                Print Name
 Adopted___________________________________/ ____________________________________           
Cheer Commissioner Signature                                                   Print Name


The code of conduct will be updated as needed by the respected Commissioner and President of the board per Season as needed. 


We, NEW EGYPT YOUTH FOOTBALL & CHEER, have implemented the following Sport Parent Code of Conduct for the important message it holds about the proper role of parents in supporting their child in sports. Parents should read, understand and sign this form prior to their children participating in our league. Any parent guilty of improper conduct at any game or practice will be asked to leave the sports facility and be suspended from the following game. Repeat violations may cause a multiple game suspension, or the season forfeiture of the privilege of attending all games.

I agree:

1. I will not force my child to participate in sports.

2. I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.

3. I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.

4. I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.

5. I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.

6. I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or other parent such as booing and taunting; speaking negatively in any way about any child or coach participating in NEYFC, whether in private conversations or amongst others at ANY game, home or away or practice; or using profane language or gestures.

7. I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.

8. I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or other sporting event.

9. I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well being of the athletes.

10. I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.

11. I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex or ability.

12. I will teach my child that doing one’s best is more important than winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance.

13.I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner every time.

14.I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition.

15. I will emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit my child over winning. I will also de-emphasize games and competition in the lower age groups.

16 I will promote the emotional and physical wellbeing of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win.

17. I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all sports events

18. I will join team reach app with the knowledge and understanding that its sole and only purpose is for communication to and from coaches and parents, not athletes. I understand each Athlete will be allotted 2 spots on each team reach app for parents to join. I will refrain from using this platform to trash talk players, coaches, the league or any board member. I understand these apps will be monitored by board members and removal of any one at any time is up the the judgement of the board member monitoring the app.
19.No Parent, Coach, Child, or Board Member of NEYFC, shall post ANY derogatory, negative, or harmful content anywhere on social media, email or any other internet outlet.  There shall be no posting of child information, or comments made about a team, child or coach on the internet or a public email.  Any action that breaks this internet policy will be considered an act of breaking the code of conduct and will be given swift and immediate attention.  Such actions can result in probation, suspension, or complete expulsion from the league.  


Gum, Candy, and Soda are not permitted at any practice. 
Staying hydrated is a very important issue and should be treated seriously.
All players should bring a water bottle to practice with them. 
Should your child have specific dietary needs, please discuss this with his/her coach.
Allergies should be addressed with the football Commissioner. 

1.  All participants will arrive at practice and games wearing the proper clothing and equipment.  If any of the below listed equipment is not worn, the participant will not be allowed to practice or participate in games. 
Items supplied by New Egypt Youth Football & Cheer:

Shoulder Pads
Practice Pants
Game Pants
Knee Pads
Practice Jersey
Game Jersey
Mouth Guard
*Note: only one mouth guard will be supplied-it is recommended to obtain a second as equipment.  An additional mouth guard may be purchased from the Equipment manager. 
All equipment items must be returned to NEYFC at the time and place specified by the Equipment manager in reasonable condition or you will be billed for replacement.  If any equipment is not returned, the participant will not be allowed to register for the upcoming year until it is returned.
 *If your Equipment Bond Check bounces you will be charged up to an additional $50 to cover any fees incurred by NEYFC *the participant will not be allowed to register for the upcoming year.

Equipment Replacement Costs:

Shoulder Pads $100
Helmets $400
Game Pants $60
Jerseys $90
All Leg Pads $40

Items to be supplied by the participant
Athletic supporter, Cup, Integrated Girdle/Practice Pants
Cleats (molded rubber cleats not to exceed ½” in length, no metal)
Mouth Guard (1 supplied by the league) 

Socks (League approved socks will be handed out and worn)
*No jewelry may be worn at any time of practice or games.

The following are acceptable reasons for missing or being late for practice or game. 
1. Illness
2. Injury-if verified by doctor that you may not attend.
3. School activities-with prior arrangements/notification
4. Family obligations-with prior arrangements/notification.
*No participant shall have personal friends attend practices with him/her.  Should you bring a friend, and that person interferes with the practice in any way, the participant would receive disciplinary action.
*No more than two (2) unexcused absences will be allowed, or participant will be subject to disciplinary process.
*Participants who are late more than ten minutes will be counted as an unexcused absence and will be subject to further disciplinary action if it continues to occur throughout the season.
*It is the responsibility of each participant to notify the coach when he/she will miss or be late for practice.
Notification will be done in the following manner:
1. Text or call the coach a minimum of two (2) hours prior to the scheduled practice time.
2. Give the reason, in detail, as to why you are unable to attend practice.
3. The following methods are UNACCEPTABLE methods of notifying your coach:
4. Telling another member of the team.
5. Leaving a message with anyone other than the adult staff.
6. The following are UNACCEPTABLE reasons for being late to practice:
7. Social plans
8. Other sports participation
9. Not “feeling like it”
10. Not able to locate proper clothing

Manners/Rules of Conduct
●     All participants will remain QUIET when receiving instructions from any adult staff.
●     The participant raising his/her hand and waiting to be identified will indicate questions. Participants will not be disruptive to other participants receiving instruction.
●     Failure to pay attention to instructions or discussions led by an adult staff member will be subject to the disciplinary process. 
●     No abusive or foul language or obscene gestures will be tolerated at any NEYFC function. 
●     All adult staff members have full authority to have complete cooperation of each participant.  Each adult staff member has the authority to enforce disciplinary process.


● If any participant is experiencing any difficulties with another team member, you should report the problem to the head coach.  If he/she cannot solve the problem, it should be reported to the Football President of Players and Coaches or the Football Commissioner.  Should the problem remain unresolved, it should be reported to the Board of Directors.
● Verbal confrontation.  No participant will verbally berate or antagonize any other participant, whether they are from an opposing team of someone within their own team/city or league.  Should there be an occurrence; a one-week suspension from the league will be immediate.  A second offense would result in total suspension from the league program with full Board of Directors review prior to any re-entry into the program for other seasons. 
● Physical confrontation (i.e., pushing, shoving, hitting, etc.) WILL NOT be tolerated for any reason.  No participant or staff member shall physically accost or harm another participant or member in any way.  Should there be an occurrence. Immediate suspension from the league will result.  Re-entry into the program will require review by the Board of Directors.  
Disciplinary Process  
First Offense *
The participant will be warned immediately and asked to cease whatever activity/ action he/she is engaging in. 
Second offense *
The participant has been previously warned regarding the offense.  Parents will be advised of the offense.  The participant will be benched for a period of time as decided by the head coach. Bench time will require the participant to attend all scheduled practices to observe training and activities from the bench.  Should bench time include a scheduled game, participants will dress for the game without pads or helmet and attend with his/her team, however, observe the game from the bench. 
Third Offense *
One full week of suspension with further review of offense by the NEYFC Board of Directors.  Players will not be permitted to attend any practice or game within the suspension time.  Players may not attend any practice or game as a spectator. Failure to follow the suspension time, participants would be removed from the program.
Fourth offense *
Participants will be suspended for the balance of the season with further review of the offense by the NEYFC Board of Directors.  Approval from the Board of Directors will be required for the participant to reenter the league program in future seasons.
 * Based on the severity of the offense committed, NEYFC may by-pass any or all the first three offense procedures, upon review of the Board of Directors.
**Should any participant be suspended for the balance of the season, all equipment will be returned within (10) ten days or forfeiture of all bonds will apply.

Transportation to and from practices and games or any NEYFC function is the responsibility of the participant /guardian. 
Review practice schedule with head coach for changes in scheduling.  All participants should be picked up immediately upon completion of practice.
NEYFC recommends a parent or guardian be present at practices and games as injuries do occur and someone should be there to console your child and make any decisions regarding his/her well-being.
*Please note all coaches and staff volunteer their time and have families and obligations of their own, it is not their responsibility to take care of your child after practices.   

Gum, Candy, Soda and/or Sunflower seeds are not permitted at any practice. 
All participants will arrive at practice and games wearing the proper clothing and equipment as requested by the coach.
The following clothing items are NOT to be worn to any practices
● Short shorts
● Jeans
● High-top tennis shoes
● Short or crop tops
● Bathing suit tops
● Jewelry of any kind
● Any portion of your game uniform
● No personal electronic devices are allowed during practice, games and competitions.
Items supplied by NEYFC vary with assigned team
● Shell
● Skirt
● Unitard
● Warm-up (Cheer)
● Pom-poms
Equipment items must be returned to NEYFC at the time and place specified by the Equipment Manager in clean condition or you will be billed for cleaning. If any equipment item(s) are not returned by the participant, he/she will not be allowed to register for the upcoming season and the equipment bond will not be returned.

Replacement Costs
Skirt $100
Shell $100
Unifit $120
Warmups $50
Pom Poms $15  
 * No items should be purchased before checking with the team coach. Other items may need to be purchased at the team’s discretion.
Hair MUST be worn pulled back from the eyes and off the neck.
A ponytail at the crown of the head or French braid is the best.
The following items WILL NOT be worn in the hair
● Large barrettes
● Butterfly barrettes or anything hanging
● Large bobby pins
Game/ Practice Attendance
1. No more than two (2) unexcused absences will be allowed, or participants will be subject to disciplinary process.
2. Participants who are late more than ten minutes will be counted as an unexcused absence and will be subject to further disciplinary action if it continues to occur throughout the season.
3. It is the responsibility of each participant to notify the cheer coach when he/she will miss or be late for practice. Notification will be done in the following manner:
• Telephone the cheer coach a minimum of two (2) hours prior to the scheduled practice time.
• Give the reason, in detail, as to why you are unable to attend practice.

4. The following methods are UNACCEPTABLE methods of notifying your coach:
• Telling another member of the squad.
• Leaving a message with anyone other than the adult cheer staff.

5. The following are UNACCEPTABLE reasons for being late to practice:
• Social plans
• Work obligations (i.e., babysitting)
• Other sports participation
• Not “feeling like it”
• Not able to locate proper clothing

6. The following are ACCEPTABLE reasons for missing or being late for practice:
• Illness
• Injury (it is suggested you attend, if possible, but not participate)
• School Activities (with prior arrangements/ notification)
• Family Obligations (with prior arrangements/ notification)

7. No participant shall have personal friends attend practices with them. Should anyone bring a friend to practice, they will be asked by the cheer coach to leave. Failure to do so could result in ` disciplinary action to the participant.
All teams are required to finish the season for the entire duration of the football season even if it runs into December or you will be asked to not return the next season. 

All squads are to warm-up and stretch not less than ten (10) minutes prior to, and following, beginning a practice or start of a game.
No participant will be subject to running laps as a disciplinary measure.
Game Appearance Rules
All participants should arrive for their regularly scheduled games at the appointed time in the approved uniform and in possession of all required equipment.
All participants shall arrive for their regularly scheduled game with their hair in one of the following manners, as agreed on by the individual cheer coach/ squad.
• Ponytail
• Bun
Participants WILL NOT be allowed to wear the following items to any game
• Heavy make-up
• Jewelry of any kind (do not have ears pierced during the season, you will not be allowed to wear your earrings to any game or function)
• Nylons, stockings, or tights (unless approved by your cheer coach)
• Hats (unless it is part of your uniform)
• Unauthorized items: such as artificial nails, (real nails must be an acceptable length as indicated by NEYFC), inappropriate t-shirts and jackets
Manners/ Rules of Conduct

● All participants will remain QUIET when receiving instructions from any adult staff.  The participant raising his/her hand and waiting to be identified will indicate questions.  Participants will not be disruptive to other participants receiving instruction.
● Failure to pay attention to instructions or discussions led by an adult staff member will be subject to the disciplinary process. 
● No abusive or foul language or obscene gestures will be tolerated at any NEYFC function. 
● All adult staff members have full authority to have complete cooperation of each participant.  Each adult staff member has the authority to enforce disciplinary process.
● NEYFC - All levels of play are instructional/competitive, your child will learn the fundamentals and principles of football, along with our core values of teamwork and sportsmanship. The season starts the first week of August and will go thru November. Practice will be 5 days a week for the first 3 weeks of August. Once school begins, practice will be cut to 3 days a week WITH A POSSIBLE WALK-THRU ON Sat morning and their games will be played on the weekend. All practices are at the Plumsted Twp. fields behind the municipal bldg. unless you are instructed to show up at our game field. Home games are played at our Rec fields on Brindle town Rd.  home games will be played on Saturday/Sunday. Division 1 & 2 will play an 8-game regular season plus playoffs. All Coaches are USA Football Certified. Games can be Friday Saturday or Sunday. 
● If any participant is experiencing any difficulties with another team member, you should report the problem to the head coach.  If he/she cannot solve the problem, it should be reported to the Football President of Players and Coaches or the Football Commissioner.  Should the problem remain unresolved, it should be reported to the Board of Directors.
● Verbal confrontation.  No participant will verbally berate or antagonize any other participant, whether they are from an opposing team of someone within their own team/city or league.  Should there be an occurrence; a one-week suspension from the league will be immediate.  A second offense would result in total suspension from the league program with full Board of Directors review prior to any re- entry into the program for other seasons. 
● Physical confrontation (i.e., pushing shoving, hitting, etc.) WILL NOT be tolerated for any reason.  No participant or staff member shall physically accost or harm another participant or member in any way.  Should there be an occurrence. Immediate suspension from the league will result. Re-entry into the program will require review by the Board of Directors. 
 Disciplinary Process
 First Offense *
The participant will be warned immediately and asked to cease whatever activity/ action he/she is engaging in. 
Second offense *
The participant has been previously warned by ANY staff member regarding the offense.  Parents will be advised of the offense.  The participant will be removed from participation with the squad for the next regularly scheduled game/ event and all practice prior to that game. The participant will however, as part of the disciplinary process, attend all scheduled practices to observe training and activities from the bench. The participant will also attend the game/ event for which she has been benched, in full uniform, and observe it from the bench.
 Third Offense *
One full week of suspension, upon NEYFC Board and coaches’ review. While on suspension, the participant will not be allowed to attend any practices, games or events. If the participant attends any game or event in her uniform following her suspension, she will immediately be suspended for the remainder of the season. 
Fourth offense
Participant will be suspended for the balance of the season with further review of the offense by the NEYFC Board of Directors and coaches. A fourth offense of any nature will result in immediate suspension for the remainder of the season. Additionally, the participant will be subject to prior approval before re-entry into the program for the following season.
 * Based on the severity of the offense committed, NEYFC may by-pass any or all the four offense procedures, upon review of the Board of Directors.
**Should any participant be suspended for the balance of the season, all equipment will be returned within (10) ten days or forfeiture of all bonds will apply.
 Transportation to and from practices and games or any NEYFC function is the responsibility of the participant and/ or the parents of the participant. 
• Review practice schedule with head coach for changes in scheduling.  All participants should be picked up immediate upon completion of practice.
• NEYFC recommends a parent or guardian be present at practices and games as injuries do occur and someone should be there to console your child and make any decisions regarding his/her well-being.
Please note all coaches and staff volunteer their time and have families and obligations of their own, it is not their responsibility to take care of you child after practices. 
Parents Code of Conduct

All parents/guardians who have children participating within the New Egypt Warrior NEYFC Program must abide by a Code of Conduct, which includes the provisions that follow.  Any violation of these rules may result in the revocation of privileges in the New Egypt Youth Football & Cheer program for season or seasons. 
● I/We agree to be financially responsible for League/equipment issued to player/cheerleader other than the normal wear and breakage during games or practice.  Further, I/We will reimburse the League/ for the loss or damage to league owned equipment. 
● I/We agree to not smoke on the practice or playing fields in the presence of a gathering of team/squad.  (Ex. After games, meetings, group activities, etc.)
● I/We agree to abstain from the possession and drinking of alcoholic beverages and the possession or use of any illegal substance at any NEYFC function. 
● I/We agree not to deliberately incite or participate in “unsportsmanlike” conduct at any NEYFC function.  Action will be taken for violations of any verbal, physical assault, intimidation and or “unsportsmanlike” conduct. 
● *The term physical assault includes but is not limited to hitting, slapping, pushing, spitting, kicking, or striking in any way with any part of the body or physical implement.
● I/We agree not to use abusive or profane language at any time during any function. 
● I/We agree not to criticize, belittle, antagonize, berate, or otherwise incite the coaches, players, cheerleaders, or fans and or opposing teams, its players, coaches, cheerleaders or fans by word of mouth or gesture, on game day, practice or otherwise. 
● I/We agree to accept all decisions of the game officials, judges, or Officials as being fair and call to the best of their ability.
● I/We if at any point have concern for my child’s well-being will follow the grievance procedure as outlined by the NEYFC Board of Directors.  
● I/We agree not to interfere nor be around the Pre-Game check in area of football fields.  
● All Registration fees must be paid before being on the field. 
● I/We agree to take responsibility for any actions that violate this Code of Conduct by a guest or relative of attending parent/guardian.
● Work bond/Equipment bond fees will be paid at the time of registration in the form of a post-dated check.  Failure to comply may result in suspension of play for participants until such fees are paid in full.  These checks will be cashed at the end of the season if your equipment is not handed in if it’s handed in damaged or if your work bond hours are not met. *If your Work Bond or Equipment Bond check bounce you will be charged an additional $50.00 to cover any fees incurred by NEYFC*the participant will not be allowed to register for the upcoming year until past due fees are paid in full.
● If you are not in good standing with NEYFC you may be required to provide a Cashier’s Check or Money Order at the time of registration for the upcoming season(s).  All discounts and/or payment arrangements will be reviewed. NEYFC has the right to decline discounts and/or payment arrangements if you are not in good standing with the league.
● *It is your responsibility to track your work bond hours, weekly signed off on by a board member and hand in your Board signed tracking form at the end of the season.  Hours will be logged via Signup Genius throughout the season. If you have not met your hours, please see a board member to see how you can make up time.
Disciplinary Process  
First offense:   NE Board of Directors will issue A Written Warning** 
Second offense:   Parent/Guardian will be removed from the practice or game** the NE Board of Directors will issue A Written Warning.
Third offense:  Parent/Guardian will be removed for the season. After one year, the parent/guardian may apply to be reinstated.  Upon review by the NE Board of Directors, the child(ren) will be allowed to participate. 
A probation period of one year with no offenses will apply.  If during the probation time, the parent/guardian does not comply with the “Parents Code of Conduct” he or she and child(ren) will be permanently removed from the NEYFC program. 
**Depending upon the severity of the offense committed by a parent/guardian, the NE Board of Directors have the authority to by-pass the first and second offense procedures and act to use the third offense guidelines if necessary.
 **At any time, the local authorities may be contacted the parent/guardian offense would be viewed by those local officials for further actions to be taken to the full extent of the law.

Grievance Procedure
●     Any parent/guardian with a child(ren) participating within the New Egypt Warrior Football, Warrior Flag and Cheer program & Flag Football should follow this grievance procedure.  This grievance procedure is designed to provide parent/guardian with prompt response to their concern.  If you have a grievance, please follow the steps listed.
●     Discuss the concern with your child and if possible, observe the situation yourself. Be certain you have all the facts correct. 
●     Discuss the concern with the Head Coach after practice or the game.  Never discuss the concern with other participants present.  (If the concern is regarding the head coach, please follow the chain of command.)
●     If you are not satisfied that the concern has been resolved with the above steps:
●     Discuss the concern or grievance with the Commissioners of Cheer or Football.  Documentation will be taken, and grievance will be reviewed by the full NEYFC BOD 
●     If you are not satisfied that the concern has been resolved at that time

Forward a letter to the New Egypt Youth Football & Cheer Board of Directors and request a meeting with the complete Board of Directors.  The correspondence should contain all facts and listing the individuals to whom you have spoken about the concern or grievance.  A meeting will be scheduled at a time mutually convenient for all parties.  This is the final step in the process and all efforts will be made to amicably resolve any concern.  NEYFC Board of Directors follow the league by-laws.

Contact Us

New Egypt Youth Football & Cheer

26 Brindletown Road 
New Egypt, New Jersey 08533

Phone: 732-581-8447
Email: [email protected]

New Egypt Youth Football & Cheer

26 Brindletown Road 
New Egypt, New Jersey 08533

Phone: 732-581-8447
Email: [email protected]
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